Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How to Start Living Your Best Life

When I started reworking my life to get away from a job I hated and a life I wasn't enjoying, I had to work from scratch.

At first, it was pretty rocky.  I had no clue what I wanted to do, aside from an inkling that I wanted to have my own business (which at the time, I had no clue about; I was a struggling young man working from paycheck to paycheck).

Then I read this little book, The Science of Getting Rich.  It's been one of my favorites and I've read it's the stepping stone for many gurus who go on to write about the Law of Attraction, one of my most useful tools that's helped me rework my life.

I've rambled plenty here, though, so I'll get into the nuts and bolts of what really makes one capable of living his or her best life.

Step 1: Picture it. 

You need to figure out what you want in your best life, your "dream" life.  For me, this was a peaceful house in the mountains.  For you, it might be something totally different.  Take some time off to go somewhere quiet (I've found that natural settings, like a hiking trail, work well for this).  While you're there, picture the life you really WANT to live.  Get in in your mind - and don't let go.

Step 2: Write it down. 

In order to really achieve your dream life, you're going to need to keep a log of it.  The human mind simply works in such a way that we have to write things down as we think about them; otherwise, they'll be gone in a few minutes.

As fragments of your dream life start coming to you, write them down.  I've found a computer and simple word processor work well for this.  As you write these images and thoughts down, keep track of them!  Don't lose sight of your dream life anywhere along the way.

Step 3: Start taking steps towards your dream life.

As you think of something necessary for your ideal house, job, relationship, etc., write it down - and then say, "I am attracting this (thing) into my life."  Let's take a job for example.  If you're unhappy with your current job, write down, "I am attracting my dream job into my life."

It sometimes helps to repeat this if you're stuck in a major rut and need some de-programming to get out of the negative cycle.

The main thing is just to write down what you want to attract, and what will happen is that you will subconsciously start making the necessary changes in your life to attract exactly what you want - and GET exactly what you want.

I hope these tips have proven useful to you.  In future posts, I will continue to outline the exact steps you can use to start achieving your best life by positive self-talk, elimination of bad habits, and surrounding yourself with the things that you love and are made happy by.

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